The 10 Symptoms of “Hurry Sickness”
Most of us operate out of an anxious normal. We are too stressed, too busy, too frazzled. So, test yourself against these 10 symptoms of “hurry sickness.”
Ravi Zacharias, Spiritual Abuse, & “Healing Thyself”
More important than your gifts (publishings, platform, skills, etc.) is the invisible and untold stories inside us. We must address our own emptiness or see it spill out onto others.
Responding to Anxiety: Contemplative Prayer
2020 is clearly a time of anxiety. Of the unknown. Of things we cannot control. We need now, more than ever, to come back to the here and now. We need peace. Contemplative prayer can help.
When I’m a Christian Struggling with Mental Health
Coping techniques, psychotropic medication, and treatment plans can be helpful, but how do we understand who we are and who God is in light of our situations and circumstances?
An Open Invitation from a Big Time Sinner
I feel nervous about sharing my story at times. I’m still tempted to believe that it’s too broken. Here’s an open invitation to do counseling, from a big-time sinner, with a big-time savior.
For Parents: When My Teen Cuts
Working with teenagers, I'm no longer surprised to hear many stories of self-harm. But In every “reason” for cutting, God's promises can break down these false substitutes for justice, peace, and atonement.
How Can I Tell if My Anger Is Righteous?
SPOILER: Everyone thinks their anger is righteous. But it almost never is. Anger always feels justified. But is it righteous? How can we tell if our anger is righteous?
Where to Start When You’re Angry
Many of us struggle with anger. Saying hurtful things, blowing up on our kids, or secretly broiling inside. Here are some good questions to start with when approaching your anger.
Trusting God When Anxiety is Screaming
We must find something outside of ourselves to free us from anxiety, to anchor us in these tossing waves. And the pitching surf of anxiety is our feelings. So don't follow your heart.
Anxiety Part 1: Fighting The Torture of Anxiety with Band-Aids
From worrisome thoughts to full blown panic attacks, anxiety can be torturous. Let's start with the band-aids. Because when you’re bleeding, band-aids are helpful.
Did My Baby Go To Heaven? | 5 Things I Learned in Miscarriage
Two years ago I was racing to a doctor’s office where my wife lay on a medical bed. They were searching for our baby’s heartbeat.
Three Steps to Start Today
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Say hello to a better you. Say hello to a better you.